I use the tools below to help identify personality traits, thought patterns and belief systems as a foundation for the discussion. However, tools in a toolbox are only as good as one’s ability to know when and how to use each one. So, I pay particular attention to each person and work with him/her accordingly. These tools, then, become a foundation for a conversation that is individually crafted and deliberately organic.
C-IQ – Conversational Intelligence
A process to utilize the neuroscience of conversations to move from conversations that miss the mark to conversations that trigger trust, growth and innovation and allow the creation of a whole new level of engagement and impact.
Values Technology
Values Technology is a 125-Question assessment tool used to identify the values present at each stage of one’s life – past, present and future, to help reveal the key behaviours an used to make choices and decisions.
Everything DiSC
Everything DiSC® is a comprehensive assessment tool that empowers personal growth through tailored easy-to-apply narratives structured around one’s unique mix of Dominance, influence, Conscientiousness and Steadiness styles.
View is a creative problem-solving process that enables people to understand and appreciate their unique problem-solving style, enabling them to better solve problems and manage change.
Genos Emotional Intelligence Assessment
The Genos Emotional Intelligence Assessment is designed to help people perceive, understand and manage emotions in themselves and others to better navigate and manipulate workplace attitudes and behaviours.
BEabove Leadership’s Neuroscience And Behaviour Change
BEabove Leadership’s Neuroscience And Behaviour Change studies goal-oriented behavioural thinking, mapped to fundamental thought processes that govern ‘who we are’ in order to get us ‘where we want to be’.